Enterprise directories

About membership directories

A site might have hundreds of thousands of members, divided into smaller collections (communities) that can be administered separately. eRoom members and groups can be local to a community (created in eRoom), or brought into eRoom via connections to external-membership directories such as NT Domains (or particular NT groups within) or LDAP directories. A community can use a member list from one or many external membership directories to authenticate members when they log in to the site. When you use an external-membership directory, eRoom synchronizes the community member list with the member information in the external directory.

You manage connections to external-membership directories on the Directories page of Community Settings. Community administrators can add, edit, and delete external-membership directory connections if they have permission to create directory connections (initially set at the site level) in their communities. Without that permission, the controls for managing directory connections are only visible to the site administrator.

Adding, editing, or deleting directory connections

When you add a connection to an external directory, all existing local members in the community whose login names match the login names of directory members are converted to sync with the new directory. All local members whose login names don't match, or members who are connected to other external directories, remain unaffected.

For each directory connection that you add, eRoom creates a directory group and stores members from that connection in that group -- the connection and the group have the same name. This group appears in the Groups section of the community member list. The group can only be removed from the list when the connection to the directory is removed. Neither the group's member list nor its name can be edited except by editing the connection.


To add an external-membership directory connection:

  1. Click "add a directory connection" to open the Add Directory Connection wizard.

  2. On the Add Directory Connection page, give the connection a unique name, and pick the type of connection you want to add (Windows NT Domain or LDAP directory).

Note: Give your directory connections descriptive names (especially if you have multiple connections pointing to different groups within the same NT Domain) so that eRoom members can more accurately locate specific members using member search pages.

The next options in the wizard depend on the type of directory connection: Windows NT Domain or LDAP directory.

To add a Windows NT Domain connection:

  1. Open the Add Directory Connection wizard.

  2. On the Add Directory Connection page, name the connection and pick Windows NT Domain.

  3. On the Pick Directory page, pick the NT Domain you want for your directory connection.

  4. On the Connection Options page, choose the format you want for user names.

  5. Pick which members you want the connection to use:

  1. On the Email Address page, your initial settings depend on whether your site requires email addresses for login names. If it does, you must specify a suffix for members' email address (the default is the name of the connection, for example "eng.com").

In order for members to receive email from eRoom (such as alerts and change reports), you can either let the NT domain connection create an email address for every member that doesn't have one, or enter email addresses manually on Member Information pages.

  1. Click "OK" to establish the connection.

eRoom synchronizes the NT Domain (or just the groups you picked) with the community member list. The name of the connection appears in the list of Directory Connections on the Directories page of Community Settings.

To add an LDAP directory connection:

  1. Open the Add Directory Connection wizard.

  2. On the Add Directory Connection page, name the connection and pick LDAP directory.

  3. On the Pick Directory page

  1. On the Connection Options page

  1. On the Test Query page, confirm the results of the test query by clicking "Next", or click "Previous" to adjust its parameters and try again.

  2. On the Field Mapping page, correlate, or map each eRoom-specific field to a corresponding LDAP field (for example, "First name" to "givenName"). eRoom provides 'best-guess' initial values.

Once an eRoom field is mapped to an LDAP field, it cannot be modified in eRoom. You can, however, edit the connection to remap fields. For example,­ when migrating an Active Directory connection from eRoom 6 to eRoom 7, the administrator should edit the connection to map the eRoom property "Unique ID" to the LDAP attribute "object GUID".

Picking "(not mapped)" for an LDAP field means you can only set that value in eRoom and it is not synchronized from the LDAP directory automatically, as explicitly mapped values are.

Note: If your community requires email addresses for login names, then the "Login name" drop-down list is replaced with this text: "email address is used as login".

  1. On the Test Mappings page, confirm the member field mappings by clicking "OK", or click "Previous" to modify them.

  2. Click "OK" to establish the LDAP directory connection.

eRoom synchronizes the LDAP directory with the community member list. The name of the connection appears in the list of Directory Connections on the Directories page of Community Settings.

Note: You can have several connections (with different names) to the same LDAP directory since an LDAP connection is identified by a combination of all of its properties. You might, for example, use different login credentials and provide different search filters that would produce different member lists from the same directory.

To edit an external-membership directory connection:

  1. Go to the Directories page of Community Settings.

  2. In the list of Directory Connections, click next to the name of the connection you want to edit (or click its name).

The Edit Directory Connection wizard opens. You can click "Reconnect" (see Explicit reconnect sync, below), or go through the wizard and edit any of the properties (see Implicit member sync, below) for the connection's directory type.

Note: If you change the email suffix on the Email Address page of the Edit Directory Connection wizard for an NT Domain connection, saving the change updates email addresses for all members from that connection.

See also:  Member list synchronization

To delete an external-membership directory connection:

  1. Go to the Directories page of Community Settings.

  2. In the list of Directory Connections, click next to the name of the connection you want to delete.

  3. Before you confirm the deletion, decide what to do with members from the directory. Either Delete them or Make them local.

If you pick the second option, all members from that directory become local community members. eRoom doesn't copy passwords from the external directory, so those individuals will need new passwords assigned before they can log in. Those members are flagged with an error icon () in member lists until they have passwords.

  1. Click "OK" to confirm the deletion and remove the connection.

Note: While deleted members do not appear in member lists or search results. eRoom keeps a record of members deleted via a directory connection. This enables you to restore such members by creating a new connection to the associated directory.

Member list synchronization

Directory synchronization is the process of updating community members and groups in the site database with information from an external directory. If there are new, deleted, or modified users and/or groups within an external directory connected to a community, then the corresponding members and/or groups are added to, deleted from, or modified in the site database respectively.

Adding external-membership directories

When you first connect a community to an external directory, eRoom performs an initial member list synchronization in the background. This initial sync creates new eRoom members for members in the external directory, according to the connection's parameters (group name, search root, and so forth), as follows:

Subsequent directory sync operations

After you first connect a community to an external directory, any subsequent member-directory sync is one of these types:

Following a sync, eRoom records the date and time in the "Last Sync" column for each directory connection listed on the Directories page of Community Settings.

If duplicate-name conflicts occur, and if there are fewer than 1000 of them, eRoom provides a "Conflicts" link next to the date and time in the "last sync" column for each directory that encountered such conflicts. (If there are more than 1000 duplicate-name conflicts, check your directory configuration.)

Incremental sync

An incremental sync results from

An incremental sync

  1. matches existing connection members by the "UniqueID" (UID) field mapping

  2. matches community members deleted from same directory by UID

  3. does not match existing local members with directory members in order to authenticate them. Instead, any new members in the directory are created and added to the community member list, and duplicate login names are flagged as conflicts.

Explicit reconnect sync

When you open the Edit Directory Connection wizard and click "Reconnect" on the first page of the edit wizard, eRoom tries to match existing members before creating new ones, as follows:

  1. ­matches existing connection members by UID

  2. ­matches local members by name

  3. ­matches community members deleted from same directory by UID

Note: Use "Reconnect", for example, if you want to reconnect any local or deleted members to the directory without generating login name conflicts or ignoring the deleted members.

Implicit reconnect sync

When you edit a directory connection and click "OK" after changing any of the following connection properties:

...eRoom tries to match existing members before creating new ones, as follows:

  1. matches existing connection members by name

  2. matches community members deleted from same directory by name

Here are two examples of when the "implicit reconnect" sync" is most useful:

To resolve duplicate login names in external-membership directories:

  1. On the Directories page of Community Settings, click the "Conflicts" link in the table row corresponding to a directory that did not sync successfully.

The Login Name Conflicts page opens and lists all the login names in the directory that are duplicated in the community member list.

  1. Pick Add in the row corresponding to each member for whom you want to create a new member account.

A second page opens that asks you to pick a new login name for the first member you selected on the preceding page. The external directory's login name for the member appears in the "Site login name" box.

  1. If you only picked a single login name to add, type a unique login name and click "OK".

If you picked multiple login names, you can either Skip it (causing the conflict to remain), or type a unique login name, and click "OK" to go to the next name.

Do this until you resolve all the duplicate-name conflicts. eRoom creates new members for each new login name you specified.

To cancel the login-conflict-resolution task before you add or skip each member, click "Done" and the "Conflicts" link remains. If you add or skip each member, any duplicate names you skipped remain flagged as conflicts until you resolve them. In this case,  the "Conflicts" link reappears the next time the directory syncs (either nightly or when you click ).

Troubleshooting synchronization errors

If a sync operation does not complete due to errors, an "Errors" link appears in the Directories table in the row for the connection that did not complete (also, the date and time for "Last Sync" does not update in this case). Click the link to open the Directory Sync Errors page for more information.