
About folders

A folder is an all-purpose container for organizing your work (example).

When you create or edit a folder, its properties are

Plug-in only: You can drag a folder and its complete hierarchy of files into or out of eRoom in a single operation. When you drag a folder out, eRoom creates a desktop folder, copies files to it, and repeats the process for each subfolder. Likewise, you can drag a hierarchy of files into eRoom in a single operation. When you drag in a new folder, eRoom asks if you want the contents to be a connected set.

Connected file sets in folders

Connecting a set of files establishes a relationship among those files, and lets you work on them as a unit. A folder with connected files can contain only files. Therefore, with a set of connected files, no "create" command is available in the folder (but you can add and paste other files). Similarly, a folder that contains files and other items (such as other folders) has no option to connect the files as a set.

Note: With eRoom Enterprise, you cannot create Content Server links in a folder that contains a set of connected files. Also, when automatic linking to a Documentum Docbase is turned on for the folder, the option to connect files in the folder as a set is unavailable.

To connect files in a folder:

  1. Create or edit a folder.

  2. On the Create Folder or Edit Folder page, select the check box labeled "View and edit files in this folder as a single connected set".

  3. Click "OK".

A message in the folder's item box now reads "The files in this folder are viewed and edited as a single connected set".

Plug-in only: Editing any file in a connected set opens only the individual file and reserves all files in that connected set for editing. After the file is edited and uploaded back to the eRoom, the edit reservation is released on that file and all the files in the connected set.

Browser only: You can connect a set of files in a folder, but you must download and upload them one at a time.

See also: Offline editing (plug-in only)

Access control in folders

Folders have their own access control properties, as do the items they contain. When creating or editing a folder, you can

See also: Controlling access to information

Template items in folders

In addition to the standard items that eRoom supplies, you can create template items that are customized for your business needs. They provide a simple way to reproduce common items such as meeting agendas or expense reports (example).

You can add a template item to a folder, and you can edit or delete existing template items.

To add a template item to a folder:

  1. When creating or editing the folder, click "template items" on the folder's Create or Edit page.

  2. On the Template Items page, click "Add".

  3. On the Add Template Item page:

  4. On the Template Items page, click "OK".

The next time you create an item in that folder, the Create page includes the template item as one of the choices.

To edit an existing template item in a folder:

  1. When editing the folder, click "template items".

  2. On the Template Items page, select the name of a template and click "Edit".

  3. On the Edit Template Item page, you can:

  4. On the Template Items page, click "OK".

To delete a template item from a folder:

  1. When editing the folder, click "template items".

  2. On the Template Items page, select the name of a template and click "Remove".

  3. Click "OK" to confirm removal of the template item from the folder's Create wizard.

  4. Click "OK" to close the Template Items page.

Routing items

In some folders and inboxes, you can move items according to a predefined path called a route. A route comprises one or more target locations in an eRoom to which you can send an item. Usually you route an item when it is associated with some kind of workflow, such as an approval process (example).

A folder or inbox has routes associated with it only if its creator specified them. In that case, a route button appears in the command bar for items in that container.

Tip: Some typical ways to use routing buttons include a candidate recruiting process (qualified, on file, phone screen, and so on) and a problem-reporting process (urgent, pending, closed, and so forth).

To route an item:

  1. In a folder or inbox, select an item in the item box.

  2. In the command bar, click the name of the routing button that corresponds to the target location you want to send the item to.

eRoom sends the item to the target folder.

You can add a routing button when you create a folder or inbox, and you can edit or delete existing routing buttons.

To add a routing button:

  1. When creating or editing the folder or inbox, click "routing buttons" in the Create wizard or on the Edit page.

  2. On the Routing Buttons page, click "Add".

  3. On the Add Routing Button page:

  4. On the Routing Buttons page, click "OK".

A button with the name you specified appears on the command bar in the folder. Selecting an item in that folder and clicking that routing button sends the item to the target folder.

To edit an existing routing button:

  1. When editing the folder or inbox, click "routing buttons" on the Edit page.

  2. On the Routing Buttons page, click "Edit".

  3. On the Edit Routing Button page you can:

  4. On the Routing Buttons page, click "OK".

To delete a routing button:

  1. When editing the folder or inbox, click "routing buttons" on the Edit page.

  2. On the Routing Buttons page, select the button name and click "Remove".

  3. Click "OK" to confirm the button's removal, and then "OK" again to close the Routing Buttons page.

Tip: Routing buttons and template items work well together for coordinating new processes or smoothing existing ones (example).