eRoom Server Tuning

eRoom provides general tuning settings that can be adjusted to improve application performance and alter server-wide settings. These tuning settings are located on the "eRoom Server Tuning" dialog box. Use the following procedure to access this dialog box:

  1. In the eRoom Server Administration Console, right-click the server you want to tune.

  2. From the pop-up menu, pick "Server Tuning".

The eRoom Server Tuning dialog box opens. It features the following tabs:

Setting server options on the General tab

There are numerous server tuning options that you can set on the General tab of the Server Tuning dialog box. The procedure for changing any one of the options is essentially the same as for changing any other option. To see a brief description of an option, select it; the description appears in the text area near the bottom of the dialog box.

Use the following procedure to change an option:

  1. On the General tab, specify a Category of options you want to change.

The available categories are: Background Tasks, Caching, Database, Deadlock Detection, Diagnostics, and Miscellaneous. When you select a category, the tuning settings in that category are listed in the dialog box.

  1. Select a setting you would like to change (or see a description for).

The option’s description appears at the bottom of the dialog box.

  1. Double-click the setting you would like to change.

The Edit Setting dialog box opens.

  1. Specify a setting or value.

  2. Click "OK" to save the setting and close the Edit Setting dialog box.

When you are finished editing settings, click "OK" on the Server Tuning dialog box to save your settings and close the dialog box. Restart IIS and all eRoom services to put your changes into effect.

Setting counters on the Performance Monitoring tab

There are numerous performance counters you can set on the Performance Monitoring tab of the Server Tuning dialog box. You can either set performance-monitoring counters piecemeal or by importing a file containing a complete set of counters (perhaps supplied by Documentum customer support). You can also export your performance counter settings to a file.

An already-configured settings file named Performance Counter Settings.pcs is provided in the …\Program Files\eRoom Server directory.

To set performance monitoring counters without an import file:

  1. On the Performance Monitoring tab, click "Add".

The Browse Performance Counters dialog box opens.

  1. In the Performance Object field, specify the performance object you would like to monitor.

  2. Specify whether you would like to monitor all counters (or all instances) or select counters (instances) from a list.

  3. If you chose to select counters or instances from a list, select the ones you want to monitor.

For multiple selections, use the Shift key (for contiguous selections) or the Ctrl key (for non-contiguous selections).

  1. Click "OK" to save settings and close the Browse Performance Counters dialog box.

  2. To enable the monitoring, select the "Record Performance" checkbox and enter a number of seconds; then enter or browse for an output directory. The directory must be local to the eRoom machine.

  3. Click "OK" on the Server Tuning dialog box to save your settings and close the dialog box.

To import performance monitoring counters from a file

Use the following procedure if you have a Performance Counter Settings (.pcs) file containing performance counter settings you would like to use. (For example, you might want to use the Performance Counter Settings.pcs file, which is provided in the …\Program Files\eRoom\eRoom Server directory.)

  1. Make sure the .pcs file you want to use is in an easily-accessible location on the server machine.

  2. On the Performance Monitoring tab, click "Import Settings".

  3. Browse for and select the .pcs file.

  4. Click "Open".

The settings contained in the file now appear on the Performance Monitoring tab.

To export performance monitoring counters to a file

Use the following procedure to export the performance monitoring counter settings for the server to a Performance Counter Settings (.pcs) file.

  1. On the Performance Monitoring tab, click "Export Settings".

  2. Specify a filename and location for the export .pcs file.

  3. Click "Save".

The settings for the server are exported to the file you specified.

Setting subsystem reports on the eRoom Tracing tab

Using the eRoom Tracing Tab, you can specify eRoom subsystems for which you would like to generate reports. You can also specify detail levels for the reports. You can either specify subsystems piecemeal or by importing a file containing a set of subsystems. You can also export your settings to a file.

An already-configured settings file named eTrace Settings.ets is provided in the …\Program Files\eRoom\eRoom Server directory.

To specify eRoom Tracing subsystems without an import file

  1. On the eRoom Tracing tab, select the subsystems for which you want to generate reports.

For multiple selections, use the Shift key (for contiguous selections) or the Ctrl key (for non-contiguous selections).

  1. Specify a detail level for the selected subsystems.

  2. To enable the tracing, select the Record eRoom Tracing checkbox; then browse for and select an output directory for the reports.

The reports are generated as an eRoom Tracing (.ets) file.

To import eRoom Tracing settings from a file

Use the following procedure if you have an eRoom Tracing (.ets) file containing settings you would like to use. (For example, you might want to use the eTrace Settings.pcs file, which is provided in the …\Program Files\eRoom\eRoom Server directory.)

Make sure the .ets file you want to use is in an easily-accessible location on the server machine. On the eRoom Tracing tab, click Import Settings.

  1. Browse for and select the .ets file.

  2. Click "Open".

The settings contained in the file now appear on the eRoom Tracing tab.

To export eRoom Tracing settings to a file

Use the following procedure to export the eRoom Tracing settings for the server to an eRoom Tracing settings (.ets) file.

  1. On the eRoom Tracing tab, click "Export Settings".

  2. Specify a filename and writable location for the export .ets file.

  3. Click "Save".

The settings for the server are exported to the file you specified.

Distributing available disk space among servers

(eRoom Advanced installations only.) Using the Provisioning Capacity tab, you can designate the relative disk space load you would like servers in your site to carry. You can assign different values for each server, or the same values for all servers. For example, if you have a server with considerable free disk space, and you would like it to be used heavily as a location for creating new facilities and eRooms, you can increase its relative capacity and decrease the relative capacity of the other servers.

Use the following procedure to specify the relative capacity for a given server, or for all servers, in your site. (In general, this procedure is more applicable to file servers and database servers.)

  1. On the Provisioning Capacity tab, select a server for which you would like to assign a particular relative capacity.

  2. Select the check box for the relative capacity you would like to assign to the selected server.

For example, if you would like to ensure that a selected file server is heavily used for creation of new facilities and eRooms relative to the other site servers, you might select 175% or 200%. If you would like to ensure that the selected server is lightly used relative to the other site servers, you might select 50% or 25%.

  1. Repeat the preceding steps for any servers to which you would like to assign a different relative capacity.

  2. Click "OK".