The eRoom plug-in

You can use eRoom with just your browser, or (if you're using Windows) with an optional browser plug-in. While most features work the same whether you use eRoom with the plug-in or your browser only, there are some features exclusive to the plug-in:

See also:

Tip: If you're not sure whether you are using the plug-in, move your mouse over the graphic logo in the top left corner of any eRoom page to see a ToolTip that tells you.

To install the eRoom plug-in:

  1. Go to your My eRooms page.

  2. Click .

  3. On your Member Information page, select the check box labeled "Use eRoom plug-in software".

  4. Click "OK".

The eRoom Plug-In Setup page opens and launches the setup program that installs the plug-in.

  1. In the "Welcome to eRoom 7" dialog box, click "Install".

Once the plug-in is installed, the eRoom Monitor icon () appears on the Windows system tray in the taskbar. In the dialog box asking if you trust the eRoom site on which you're using the plug-in, click "Yes".

Note: To stop using the plug-in, go to your Member Information page, clear the "Use eRoom plug-in software" check box, and click "OK".

Rich text editing

The Rich Text Editor (RTE) enables you to format your text, insert pictures and links, and check your spelling. If your system supports double-byte (Asian) characters, the RTE accepts and displays them properly as well.

When you paste into the RTE text that is all one font and/or all one size, eRoom applies the default font and/or size (10-point Trebuchet MS) to the pasted text instead of preserving its font information. This improves readability by giving text in your eRoom a consistent appearance. Variations in face and size within the same font family, however, are preserved. So, for example, if you paste into the RTE text that is all in 12-point Times New Roman, and some of the words are bold for emphasis, eRoom preserves the bold face for those words, while converting all of the text to the default eRoom font (10-point Trebuchet MS).

Note: If you paste into a section of double-byte text, the RTE doesn't change the font because it has no default fonts for double-byte text.

When you use eRoom with just your browser, the standard format for editing text pages and text boxes is plain text. If you use eRoom without the plug-in and edit text that has formatting created with the RTE (such as images, hyperlinks, or font changes), eRoom preserves the formatted text, but displays instead this (read-only) message: This field contains formatted text, which can only be edited with the eRoom plug-in software. Editing the same text using the plug-in displays the formatted text as it was created.

The RTE tool bar

To identify RTE toolbar buttons, move your mouse over a button to see its name as a ScreenTip.



Click to...

Insert Link

Add a link. You can also drag and drop or copy and paste links into the eRoom editor. You can make a graphic into a link by selecting the graphic, clicking the Insert Link button, and entering the URL.

Insert Graphic

Add graphics to a page, and choose a file in BMP, GIF or JPEG format. Graphics appear in line with the surrounding text. You can change the alignment by double-clicking the graphic and using the Graphic Position dialog to align the graphic on either the left or right with text wrapped around it. Text does not wrap around a graphic in the editor, but it does so on the page.

Check Spelling

Check your spelling.


Pop up a menu of clipboard editing commands.

Checking spelling

When you check spelling using the RTE, and eRoom finds a possible misspelling, the "Check Spelling" dialog box opens. The word in question appears in the Change box with a suggested alternative in the To box. You can edit the word in the To box, or select a word from the list. Spelling commands are as follows:




Changes the selected word to the one in the To box.


Leaves the selected word unchanged.

Add to Dictionary

Adds the selected word to the dictionary that eRoom uses to check spelling.

Change All

Changes all occurrences of the selected word in the text.

Ignore All

Ignores all occurrences of the selected word in the text.

eRoom Monitor

The eRoom Monitor controls Outlook synchronization of eRoom task databases, steps in approval-process databases, project plans, and calendar events in the all of the eRooms it monitors. You can start the Monitor if it's not already running by choosing Start > Programs > eRoom 7 > Monitor My eRooms.

Click the Monitor icon () to display its pop-up menu from which you can choose these commands:



My eRooms

... or ...

My eRooms (site name1)
My eRooms (site name2)
... etc.

For a single site, "My eRooms" opens your My eRooms page.

For more than one site, eRoom adds a "My eRooms" menu item the first time you go to a page on a different site. The name of the site appears in parentheses. You have a different "My eRooms" page for each site you are a member of.


Opens the eRoom Client Settings dialog box in which you specify Outlook synchronization settings.


Opens the Monitor Errors dialog box.

Check Now

Scans all your eRooms for changes and synchronizes your eRoom task databases and calendars with Outlook, if you have set up the Synchronizer to do so.


Temporarily stops the eRoom Monitor. This enables you to work offline without the Monitor reporting errors when it tries to sync tasks and calendar events it has no access to. Choose Connect to re-start the Monitor.

Note: If you have disconnected the Monitor, picking "Check Now" reconnects it.


Turns off the Monitor. To start it again, choose Start > Programs > eRoom 7 > Monitor My eRooms.

eRoom items you can synchronize with Outlook

 In order to synchronize with Outlook tasks, eRoom task items (task database entries or project plan tasks) must have fields representing the qualities of ownership and completion. These fields classify an item as a task if it has either of the following:

eRoom calendar events can sync with the Outlook calendar with no particular modification. As long as an event has a title, a date, and you are a participant in the event, it can sync with Outlook. Other eRoom event properties that are synchronized in Outlook are: the start time, duration, and the repeating pattern (if any).

Project plan tasks are synchronized with Outlook in the same manner as database task entries. In addition to owner and completion fields, the Monitor syncs the following project plan fields:

Outlook field

eRoom project plan field


start date

start date

One way to Outlook, as date only.

due date

finish date

One way to Outlook.

% complete

% actual progress

If progress reports are enabled.


If progress reports are disabled, synched as "yes" if 100%, otherwise as "no."



One way to Outlook.

custom "eRoom Notes"


One way to Outlook.

custom "eRoom Status"


If progress reports are enabled, synched one way to Outlook. Custom "eRoom Status" field contains the text of the task's status -- for example, "38% (2d) behind".

custom "eRoom ID"


If progress reports are enabled, synched one way to Outlook.

custom "eRoom Predecessors"


If progress reports are enabled, synched one way to Outlook. Custom "eRoom Predecessors" field contains the IDs and names of predecessors, comma delimited.

How the Synchronizer works

When you synchronize tasks and events, the Outlook Synchronizer does the following:

The Outlook Synchronizer runs according to the schedule specified  in the My eRooms & Outlook Sync Settings dialog box. You can run the Synchronizer manually by clicking on the eRoom Monitor icon () and choosing "Check Now" from the pop-up menu.

SecurID and Outlook synchronizing

When you log in to eRoom with RSA SecurID®, the Monitor cannot save your SecurID credentials, as it does with a password. So when you log in to Windows and your Monitor starts, it can't automatically begin Outlook synching. However, once you log in to the site, Outlook synch can continue.

Setting up the Monitor to work with the Outlook Synchronizer

To synchronize your eRoom task databases, project plans, or calendar events with Outlook, you need to set up your eRoom Monitor to do so. In the eRoom Client Settings dialog box, you can add these items and specify the corresponding Outlook folder into which you want to sync.

To add items for synchronizing with Outlook:

  1. On the Windows system tray in the taskbar, click the eRoom Monitor icon () and choose Settings from the pop-up menu.

The "eRoom Client Settings" dialog box opens, which shows an expandable tree of all eRoom sites being monitored. (A site is added the first time you visit it.) If you are currently synchronizing any items, they are listed under the name of the site. Click to see them.

  1. From the list, select a site, or an item in a site.

  2. Click "Add" to open the "eRoom Outlook Synchronizer: Add Item" dialog box. The list shows all the eRooms listed in the Active eRooms section of your My eRooms page for the selected site (or the site containing the selected item).

  3. Click next to the name of each eRoom in which there is a database, project plan, or calendar you want to sync.

  4. Select the check box for each item you want to sync, and then click "OK".

  5. From the pulldown menu in the Outlook folder to synchronize databases and projects into box, pick the appropriate Outlook folder (for example, Tasks).

  6. From the pulldown menu in the Outlook folder to synchronize calendars into box, pick the appropriate Outlook folder (for example, Calendar).

  7. When you click "OK", the Synchronizer will synchronize the eRoom task databases, project plans, and calendars you picked into the specified Outlook folders, according to the Monitor's schedule, which you can specify in the "Advanced Settings" dialog box (see the following procedure).

To specify Advanced Settings:

  1. Open the "eRoom Client Settings" dialog box by clicking the eRoom Monitor icon () and choosing Settings from the pop-up menu.

  2. Click the Advanced button to open the "Advanced Settings" dialog box and specify the following settings, as needed:

  1. Click "OK" to put the Advanced Settings into effect.

  2. Click "OK" to close the "eRoom Client Settings" dialog box and begin synchronizing the items you added.